Weekly Photo Challenge: Big (Sky)

I was inspired to take some photos of the sky by Danajoward’s post for the Weekly Photo Challenge; Big  We go to the coast really often, and when you are by the sea there is a lot of sky!

The following photos are taken near Emsworth in Hampshire.  We went for a walk and the weather kept changing every few minutes.  One minute it was deliciously warm and sunny, and the next the rain was pouring down 🙂

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About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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11 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Big (Sky)

  1. danajoward says:

    I am glad that I could Inspire you to do a blog. What and honor 🙂 I love the photo’s I can spend all day looking up at the sky. Any time of day or night or even during the rain or snow. I guess it’s because I use to chase Tornado’s when I was young and stupid. Had fun though. The clouds tell the story of each days sky. Thank you for sharing these with me and for posting them. 😉


    • Barbara says:

      Thank you! The sky is often very photogenic by the coast, but more clouds usually mean rain. I love when the sky is completely blue like in your pictures, but we’ll probably have to wait until next Summer for that again 😦


  2. Jo Bryant says:

    terrific slideshow – so changeable


    • Barbara says:

      Thank you! Yes it’s so hard to believe that all those photos were taken during a short walk yesterday…. Reminds me of the song “Four seasons in one day”


  3. eof737 says:

    Barbara that’s an impressive landscape shot.. I love it. 😉


  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Big « Becca's Photo Blog

  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: B I G ole Grand Canyon! « patriciaddrury

  6. grannymar says:

    Great skies. This reminds me that I need to top the bushes in the back garden in order to see my big skies again.


  7. Al says:

    It looks like the tidal changes are quite extreme there.


Your thoughts are very welcome :)