A Stunning photo of a Mallard Duck

I took this photo of this beautiful duck, iridescent in the morning sun as I was having a look at the progress on our new bridge at Walton on Thames

Mallard Duck

As he wandered around the river bank he reminded me of one of my favourite children’s books, ‘Duck is Dirty’ by Satoshi Kitamura (きたむら さとし)

Duck is Dirty by Satoshi Kitamura

Duck is Dirty by Satoshi Kitamura

The book starts off with the line… Duck is going for a walk…




Some early morning observers

Waiting their tern

Waiting their tern

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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15 Responses to A Stunning photo of a Mallard Duck

  1. Taylor M. says:

    Wow, his colors are really gorgeous, especially that green! And it’s adorable that you’ve connected it to that children’s book. 🙂


  2. Beautiful photographs Barbara. The vibrance and clarity is wonderful x


    • Barbara says:

      Thanks 🙂 I’m really happy with them too. The duck looked like he wanted to be photographed, he stood still while I walked around him looking for the right angles. Maybe he knew how great he looked in that light!


      • DoingDewey says:

        I wish my cat were so photogenic! Instead she seems to have sixth sense for when I’m going to take a picture and always moves at just the wrong time, haha.


        • Barbara says:

          Lol, Cats are very good at doing something adorable right up to the point that you press click on the camera. Then they get bored and walk off. My cat & dog are both black so almost impossible to photograph indoors, and my cat is not keen on getting her feet wet so don’t expect to find any photos of her on here till next summer at the earliest! 🙂


  3. Maxi says:

    You did a fantastic job to get these shots, Barbara. Can’t he “posed” for you. His colors are brilliant.
    Blessings ~ Maxi


  4. Grannymar says:

    I hope you are not on cooking duty on Tuesday, since you might be out testing a new toy!


  5. Stunning is right! Wonderful photography.


Your thoughts are very welcome :)