WordCloud for my blog :)

My very first Wordcloud created using Tagxedo

My very first Wordcloud created using Tagxedo

Thank you to Rarasaur for the idea… I just went to http://www.tagxedo.com/, pasted in the home page of my blog & hit ‘submit’.  I was able to delete silly words like ‘Weekly Photo Challenge’, ‘Postaday’ and ‘Comments’, and this is the result.

The WordCloud you get is interactive but I couldn’t work out how to save that one (to be honest I’m not well at the moment & I like the pretty picture, so I decided to stick with this one) so I just print-screened the result when I was happy with my tweaks & uploaded that.  Maybe when I update this in a few months I’ll go on to teach myself how to complete the WordCloud creation.  In the original if you hover your mouse over the little words (like injured right at the bottom) they grow so you can read them

Update 15/8/2013

Since me doing a marathon is a bit out of the question at the moment, I thought I’d better update my wordcloud, so I followed the links above, had a play, and this is what turned up this time round;

WordCloud for my Blog August 2013

WordCloud for my Blog August 2013


About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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13 Responses to WordCloud for my blog :)

  1. rarasaur says:

    It looks fantastic! 🙂 Share, life, and challenge– how perfect for your blog!


  2. Grannymar says:

    Wow! I must try that one. I have used http://www.wordle.net/ in the past.


    • Barbara says:

      i tried both of them at once, but Wordle got stuck on telling me that my Java was not up to date… so Tagxedo won through. Also it is a bit more versatile as you can delete silly words that come up like ‘Reply’ and ‘Comment’


  3. Pingback: (What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding « everyday gurus

  4. Love it, I’m off to get one 🙂


  5. Pingback: Wordcloud | shazruns

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