Wilson’s Doggy Bag

When Wilson gets soggy in the river he doesn’t understand why we don’t want him to sit on us in the car on the way home so he can get dry!  When he comes home he deposits muddy footprints all over the carpet, and then rubs himself on the walls, furniture and anything else he can find till he gets dry.  He loves being wrapped in a towel, and snuggled and dried, preferably in front of a heater 🙂

Wilson gets a bit damp

Wilson gets a bit damp

Enhanced photo of Wilson.  I think this one looks a bit like a painting

Enhanced photo of Wilson. I think this one looks a bit like a painting

Peter found this great invention & Wilson loves it, but he looks very funny in it & he can’t walk in it!  Its ideal when we have to put Wilson in the car after a muddy or wet walk, and the bag goes straight in the washing machine when Wilson has dried off a bit.

Lovely Photo of Wilson in his doggy bag taken by my daughter's friend

Lovely Photo of Wilson in his doggy bag taken by my daughter’s friend

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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15 Responses to Wilson’s Doggy Bag

  1. Jody says:

    Very cute & practical, too! Why didn’t I think of that??


    • Barbara says:

      I know, they are excellent & Wilson loves his, it’s just so funny when he decides he’s had enough & tries to walk, he ends up on his chin, but refuses to give up so ends up inching across the floor on his chin. Very silly 🙂 I bet anyone handy with a sewing machine could run up or of these in a few minutes from a dog towel


  2. wanderingimages says:

    The enhanced one does look like a painting. I like it.


  3. shazruns says:

    Mmmm but does it prevent that damp doggy smell?


    • Barbara says:

      A little…

      Wilson doesn’t smell too bad, he doesn’t ever get a chance to develop a smell as he swims so much he is always washing his smell off. If he does roll in fox poo or something equivalently noxious, we throw a stick in, and then cover him with shampoo when he comes out, & keep throwing the stick till he’s not suddy any more. His favourite form of baths. He really does not appreciate a warm bath or shower in the house…. much prefers chasing sticks! 🙂


  4. Grannymar says:

    Gives a whole new meaning to the term Doggie Bag! 😆


    • Barbara says:

      It does doesn’t it! Wilson loves his so much he bought one for Peter for Christmas. I’m not allowed post the photos of Peter in his yet as he looks poorly (we all have been ill over Christmas) but it is so funny to see the two of them snuggled up on the sofa together in their warm bags 🙂


  5. rummuser says:

    Brilliant solution.


  6. Maxi says:

    Love Wilson’s blankie, Barbara – what a great idea. He looks adorable.
    Blessings ~ Maxi


  7. That is about the cutest dog I have ever seen!


  8. Leanne Cole says:

    That is a great idea. I have heard you talking about the bag before, but I had no idea what it looked like.


Your thoughts are very welcome :)