The Magnificence of Ordinary – Wabi-Sabi

I wrote this post on New Years Eve this year, but forgot to post it….. it fits perfectly with Rarasaur’s first Prompt for the Promptless – Wabi -Sabi

Have a look at my first post for a definition, but here’s an example;

New years eve can be built up into something huge that can leave a lot of people feeling lonely and left out.  We decided to have an open house with an emphasis on simplicity, and it was even ok to fall asleep before midnight!

Today we had macaroni cheese for dinner and squash with sparkling water for drinks. We had a house of friends & family, watching silly telly and Jules Holland, playing board games and staying warm

It was magnificent

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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12 Responses to The Magnificence of Ordinary – Wabi-Sabi

  1. Fiona says:

    It was! 🙂


  2. Grannymar says:

    Barbara, I think Fiona’s ‘cross’ avatar is randomly selected for those who do not have one of their own. Some of the best evening are the unplanned spur of the moment get-togethers.


  3. Barbara says:

    I know, but why would they pick a cross one for her? Seems silly!!


  4. Maxi says:

    I don’t know a thing about being vegan but I’m ready to dig into that delicious bowl of macaroni.
    blessings ~ maxi


  5. Al says:

    There’s nothing Wabi-Sabi (imperfect) about that dish.!


  6. Jo Bryant says:

    Well i have finally begun to declare myself a vegetarian…though fish is still on the menu. The other weekend when i went up to see The Daughter in Swan Song [her water ballet] The Son was horrified to learn his mother was now a vegetarian…it was quite funny hearing him say it over and over as well as the word…WHY ???


    • Barbara says:

      Lol. We eat fish too, and I don’t miss meat at all. My digestive system is a squillion times happier, and with fish included there is no risk of any vitamin or protein deficiencies.
      The girls do completely pig out on meat when they go to heir dads 🙂


      • Jo Bryant says:

        I haven’t eaten much meat since The Son left home 4 years ago…and i can no longer eat it and feel good. it will be interesting in about 10 days. The Son has just moved and they have a dining room and table finally. he said to me on the phone;”We can cook you dinner Mum !!” the other day…totally forgetting that Mum is now a non meat eater…can’t wait to remind him when I go up weekend after next…hehehehehehehe…and he has to cook for me.


Your thoughts are very welcome :)