Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable

This week’s Weekly Photo Challenge is Companionable

Wilson is one of the friendliest dogs, he only ever barks to let us know there is someone at the door, and when we open it he is so excited to see who our guests are.  My Daughter had her 16th birthday party at our house recently.  They had planned a sleepover in tents in the garden, but the morning of the party was raining, and despite constant checking, the rain didn’t stop all day.  In fact it got worse!

By dinner time the garden was a quagmire, and if we had pitched a tent it would have floated.  We admitted defeat and agreed all 10 teenagers could sleep indoors.

Imagine Wilson’s excitement when he came down in the morning to find 10 sleeping bodies, all on the floor at his level :). He gave them all his best good morning kisses & then snuggled down with them for an early morning nap 🙂

Wilson loves sleepovers :)

Wilson loves sleepovers 🙂

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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13 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable

  1. Grannymar says:

    Wilson, looks right at home with the girls!


  2. Maxi says:

    Wilson is snuggled right in … like he belongs in the sleep fest. Too cute.
    blessings ~ maxi


  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable | Denis Danze Photographe Freelance

  4. Jo Bryant says:

    Wilson is no dummy then !!!


    • Barbara says:

      Wilson is a very clever dog 🙂 He knows a good thing when he sees it!

      He follows Peter absolutely everywhere throughout the day, upstairs, downstairs, into the bathroom (or tries to), down the garden, out to the car….. But somehow Wilson has noticed the difference between going upstairs with the intention of moving back down again, and going to bed! He never follows Peter to bed cos he knows if he hangs on for a few minutes I will put out the cat food before I go to bed. He knows cat food is not for Wilson, but he is always hopeful I will forget!


  5. Pingback: Photography: Companionables – 3 | Bastet and Sekhmet

  6. Pingback: Photography: Companionables – 3 | Bastet and Sekhmet

  7. What brought attention to me was the criss-crossing of legs there! Wow, yet you all seemed to feel comfortable! B-)


  8. Pingback: Books, dogs and that Sunday morning feeling | Ireland, Multiple Sclerosis & Me

  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Companionable | Joe's Musings

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