Travel Theme; Multicoloured

I’ve been looking through my photos from our trip to Santorini in 2008 recently and I found a few for the Weekly Photo Challenge; From Lines to Patterns.  Most of the pictures I have from Santorini are of wonderful sunsets, so good I will have to do a special post about them, but I did come across a few full of colour & I was just about to hop over to Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge to see what colour she was working with when I found this week’s travel theme!


Here are some more photos from Santorini full of colour 🙂  Click on any of them to see larger versions

To see other entries to this weeks Travel Theme , hop over to ‘Where’s My Backpack?

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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6 Responses to Travel Theme; Multicoloured

  1. Grannymar says:

    The colours bring back memories for me of time spent in Mykonos an in Malta! I love travelling through your photos.


  2. Jody says:

    Oooh, what a marvelous boat shot! Actually, they’re all quite wonderful.


  3. Andrew Seal says:

    Wonderful photos. We had grilled calamari by the water’s edge at the foot of those Ea cliffs. Thanks for bringing back those happy memories so beautifully.


    • Barbara says:

      It’s amazing.. When I think of Santorini I think of blue and white… I forgot there was so much colour in some places :). Blue and white photos & sunsets to follow shortly ….


Your thoughts are very welcome :)