Weekly Photo Challenge: Habit

As Michelle says in the Weekly Photo challenge, having a dog does indeed mean going for walks daily, often more than once a day.  Where the habit comes in for us is where we chose to go for our walks.  Just before we got Wilson we decided to get married at a little church on the top of a hill in Guildford, and as a result, our habitual walks on Sundays for the first few months after Wilson arrived were up to the top of St Martha’s Hill.

St Martha on The Hill, Near Chilworth, Guildford

St Martha on The Hill, Near Chilworth, Guildford

Yesterday it rained torrentially so we didn’t get outdoors so when we saw the sun gleaming in the windows this morning we couldn’t wait to get out.  Its still quite chilly, but what a beautiful day!

The second we arrived of course Wilson found a stick & had to go chasing it!

A highly decorative stick

A highly decorative stick

Disappearing Wilson, Stick hunting in the bracken

Disappearing Wilson, Stick hunting in the bracken

Here are some of the photos from our walk

Click on any of the thumbnails to see a larger version of the pictures

Here’s some from the inside of the tiny church.  It was completely filled by our 60 guests!

For other interpretation of this week’s Weekly Photo Challenge check out Habit!

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
This entry was posted in Autumn, Cocker Spaniels, Keeping Fit, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Photography, Surrey Hills, Teenagers, Walking, Wilson and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

13 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Habit

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Habit | Pilot Fish

  2. Love that picture in the bracken… the silhouette of the dog and stick amidst all the colour makes it interesting 🙂 Do you have to worry about snakes or other creepy crawlies hiding in there though?


    • Barbara says:

      Thank you! It was hard to capture him… He is smaller than the height of the undergrowth so he had to be jumping up!
      We only have grass snakes and adders in this country and they are very rare, much too cold for them yesterday. The most dangerous things in the undergrowth are ticks, we get a lot of deer roaming wild and the ticks can carry Lyme disease so we need to watch out for them


  3. Maxi says:

    Your photos are beautiful, Barbara. Most especially St. Martha on the Hill, this is truly a country scene.
    blessings ~ maxi


    • Barbara says:

      It is such a beautiful place. There are stone circles on the side of the hill and evidence of pagan worship before the first church was built in about 1086!

      The church is mentioned in the Canterbury tales and some of the 1944 film of the tale was shot there.

      We had been walking up the hill for years before we decided to get married, and were so thrilled when we decided to get married to be able to get married there! I think there are some photos on my old ‘about me’ page 😎


  4. Grannymar says:

    So many amazing colours on that walk, I hope you were wearing your weddingtons!


    • Barbara says:

      It wasn’t very muddy, that’s why we picked that walk, Guildford’s hills are made of sand so it’s quite dry underfoot, and the sun was hot! Pity the lovely weather didn’t last 😢


  5. Pingback: Random photography | Processing the life

  6. Pingback: weekly photo challenge: habit | patriciaddrury

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