Weekly Pet Challenge (Not Wilson Challenge!)

Lilly PlanktonIntroducing Lilly Plankton, who since Wilson arrived has had very little airtime, or any other time for that matter.

Wilson LOVES cats… he can’t wait to catch them, and unfortunately Lilly runs, so they spend no time in the same space.  They possibly now occupy alternate universes.  She is incredible, she appears the second Wilson goes to bed every night, and is long gone before he appears in the morning, but there is always a bundle of fluff on her favourite cushion where she has spent the night 🙂

We actually have another pet Myrtle who has also not yet featured in Michelle’s weekly pet challenge! Watch this space…..

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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14 Responses to Weekly Pet Challenge (Not Wilson Challenge!)

    • Barbara says:

      She is lovely… just nowadays mainly invisible. She was a great lap cat, i miss her in the evenings. I bet she snuggles up to one of our neighbours and then comes to us for later supper!


  1. Grannymar says:

    Tip toeing out of the room, at this stage you must realise that I am not a cat fan. Blame Pinky!


  2. Al says:

    Nice to see the feline getting some face time. It’s easy to understand why Myrtle is SLOW to get on the weekly pet challenge


    • Barbara says:



    • Barbara says:

      Al I think I will have to reply to you exclusively to you from my iPhone from now on… it allows the good pictures 🙂
      Myrtle can be unbelievably speedy at times… when she is warm and on a mission… quite fun to watch 🙂


      • Al says:

        I thought maybe we were going to talk in code now. Just in case, let me say this:”hkruf keidm erocv poeud!”


        • Barbara says:

          hmmm 4 words, all 5 letters, methinks he just hit random letters on the keyboard…. no point me getting out the book that we both use to write code in (page 54 line 5 word 3) etc [mainly because there were no numbers in your code] or my code deciphering kit!


  3. Lilly is beautiful 🙂 Pawkiss 🙂


  4. Beautiful cat, although she does look a little aloof!


  5. Pingback: Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge; Round up and start of new week.Pos | Hope* the happy hugger

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