Weekly Photo Challenge: Unexpected

This week’s Weekly Photo challenge is Unexpected

ButterflyThis was on the inside of my kitchen window when I came home the other day!  A beautiful and very unexpected guest!

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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17 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Unexpected

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Competition: Unexpected | Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist)

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Unexpected | WoollyMuses

  3. Al says:

    Very Impressive! Looks like a shot straight out of National Geographic.


  4. Grannymar says:

    Ooh! i have not seen one of those for a few years. We get plenty of cabbage butterflies dancing rings around each other. I love the colour.


  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Unexpected-2 | WoollyMuses

  6. Maxi says:

    Omg Barbara, we get lots o’ butterflies in Central Florida but I have never seen one more beautiful.

    It’s hard to capture a good shot of a butterfly … great job.
    blessings ~ maxi


  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge / B4 Retouch: Unexpected (Karnak) | What's (in) the picture?

  8. Pingback: Weekly Challenge: Unexpected | Through the Eye of Bastet

  9. Pingback: Butterfly Identification help please! | Day One

  10. Pingback: Unexpected photographs | Processing the life

Your thoughts are very welcome :)