25 Days for Daloni – September 3rd

I am collecting some jokes for my friends sister Daloni.  The reason why is on my post for September the 1st  Here’s some I found for today….I thought I might be able to generate a few more on here?  Please add jokes or funnies to the comments 🙂

Thank you

This is one is from The Laughing Housewife She has 1001 jokes on her blog if you need more!!! ;

Every ten years, monks in a monastery are allowed to break their vow of silence to speak two words.

Ten years go by and it’s one monk’s first chance. He thinks for a second before saying, “Food bad.”

Ten years later, he says, “Bed hard.”

It’s the big day a decade later. He gives the head monk a long stare and says, “I quit.”

“I’m not surprised,” says the head monk. “You’ve been complaining ever since you got here.”


These ones were entitled “Why Teachers Drink”Maths


Religious Studies







Natural History


Religious Studies



I’m going to be raiding all my friends and families ‘funnies’ over the next few weeks to collect 25 days worth of  “cheerful, inspiring, funny or apposite poems, stories, reminiscences, photos, cartoons, drawings, short videos” for Daloni

Please add anything that you think might be good for me to use in future posts in the comments below, Thank you 🙂

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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4 Responses to 25 Days for Daloni – September 3rd

  1. Maxi says:

    Joan of Ark burned as a steak does it for me, Barbara. Can’t stop laughing. Hope everything is okay with you, especially the health problems.
    blessings to you ~ maxi

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Grannymar says:

    If I begin to tilt with age, I will accept it gracefully, knowing that at anything less than 90 degrees I’ll be a cute angel! 😆

    Liked by 1 person

Your thoughts are very welcome :)