Travel Theme; Architecture

This week’s Travel Theme is Architecture

Incredible Architecture

I’ve been trying to teach myself to use my camera more creatively this week, and challenging myself to try and capture images that are difficult, require me to change from ‘auto’ settings, and to learn how my camera works.

I have a great ‘bridge’ camera that takes great photos, but I bought it so I could learn how to use a manual camera so I need to stretch myself and stop just ‘pointing and shooting’!

I found this wasps nest and thought it would be perfect for this travel theme, as the architecture is wonderful!  The nest was located in quite a shady spot, so I had to experiment with using my flash and changing the exposure settings so I could capture the nest well without scaring the wasps and getting stung!

Here’s a few of my photos, click on any of them to see a larger image;

To see other entries to this weeks Travel Theme, hop over to ‘Where’s My Backpack?

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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14 Responses to Travel Theme; Architecture

  1. Al says:

    Wow. This is good, Barbara. You are growing by leaps and bounds. You picked an intriguing subject matter as well.


    • Barbara says:

      Thank you 🙂 I’d seen the nest and thought about trying to photograph it, and then when I saw the theme Architecture I thought it fitted perfectly, the structures they make are amazing!


  2. Barbara says:

    I have to give you credit for getting in there to get the photos. I hate wasps probably more to the point, I am terrified of them. The photos are awesome though..


  3. Grannymar says:

    Those nests are amazing and fascinating. You captured the texture so well…. great inspiration for needle art!


  4. Colin's Blog says:

    I whizzed past this post to begin with, thinking ‘what the hell’s this got to do with architecture’, then thankfully, I took another look! Great photos, and great idea. 🙂


  5. Marianne says:

    What a dangerous assignment – photographing a wasp nest!! They ARE such clever little builders, aren’t they, Barbara?


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