The River Thames flooding in Weybridge, January 9th 2024 update

Every so often I get a notification from WordPress that my stats are booming. I used to blog on a daily basis for a few years as I was suffering with my chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, and struggled to do much at all.

Blogging daily was my window to the world, I made some great friends, and really enjoyed posting photos of my previous holidays, pets, animals and birds that visited our garden, my shoe collection and from the local area

We live near the Thames, and every so often it floods, so over the years I have taken a lot of interesting photos of the Thames in flood, and posted them to my blog.

One January I took lots just before going on holiday to Australia, and while we were away the river rose even higher!

We found out because visits to my blog went from 10-15 a day to over 2000, and when I checked what people were looking at, it was the photos of the floods

So this year, yet again the Thames is very high in Weybridge, so I thought I better upload some more recent photos for people to find when directed to my blog. Looking back I realised that the photos were taken on the same day, January 9th, 10 years apart!

I’m very grateful that since 2015 my fibromyalgia is in remission and I have been able to go back to university, qualify as a therapeutic radiographer, and I now work in public involvement in research, a job that I adore, but I do miss my blogging days, and all the great friends that I made then, and got to meet some of them in person!

I always think I will get back to blogging again, but I figure my pages will always be here for me to add to, and me being quiet on here means I’m well and out living life to the full, and collecting a wealth of photos that I may someday get to share with you all.

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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