The Eureka Skydeck, Melbourne

One of the first things we did in Melbourne (apart from the obligatory dipping of our toes in the Southern Ocean) was climb The Eureka Skydeck

The sea was much colder than we expected having just come from the tropical water temperatures of Perth!

The sea was much colder than we expected having just come from the tropical water temperatures of Perth!

When I say ‘climbed’ I mean we took the fastest lift in the Southern Hemisphere on a 40 second journey to the 88th floor!  If we had gone to New Zealand earlier in our holiday we might have considered climbing the 300m building via the steps, but luckily the thought never crossed our minds and we were eager to experience a 40 second lift ride!

Melbourne The Eureka Tower

I’m not sure about the significance of the bees… but they looked good!

We picked a perfect day to go to the Skydeck,which is the highest public vantage point in the Southern Hemisphere, although my uncle told me that most days are bright and sunny in Melbourne!

My toes at the bottom of this picture help show how high up it was!

My toes at the bottom of this picture help show how high up it was!

They have an outdoor Terrace which was EXTREMELY windy, but the photos I took from there were clearer because there wasn’t any glass reflection

The Sports Precinct

The Sports Precinct

We decided against ‘The Edge’ A completely glass cube that projects 3 meters out of the building 300m up.  I don’t think my vertigo could have handled it!! (anyway there was a 45 minute queue!)  We decided to have coffee instead 🙂

Click on any of the thumbnails to see the full size photos

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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9 Responses to The Eureka Skydeck, Melbourne

  1. Grannymar says:

    Great views from the 88th floor. There was I thinking I did well climbing the Eiffel Tower.


  2. Al says:

    Great shots from up there. Your toes were never lovelier.


  3. Maxi says:

    Wow! Great photos, Barbara. I’m with ya ’bout having the coffee.
    blessings ~ maxi


    • Barbara says:

      Llol, all i could imagine was me getting into the pod (which looks just like a normal lift at the beginning…. ) and them taking away the walls and the floor & me just collapsing in a heap on the floor desperately trying to find something to hold on to!!!


Your thoughts are very welcome :)