Spring has made it to my Garden!

Last week we had a couple of days where the temperature topped 20°C, and the flowers that had almost given up burst into blossom

Even Myrtle got a chance to explore the garden for the first time this year.  This week its not so warm, but we’re not back in the Arctic conditions that prevailed well into the beginning of April!

Here’s some pictures of a few of the flowers bursting forth at last!



Amelanchier Flowers

Amelanchier Flowers

Azalea Flowers

Azalea Flowers

Red Tulip

Red Tulip

Purple Tulips

Purple Tulips

Contorted Copper Hazel Catkins

Contorted Copper Hazel Catkins

Contorted Copper Hazel Catkins

Contorted Copper Hazel Catkins

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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31 Responses to Spring has made it to my Garden!

  1. Tracy says:

    Beautiful photos, I love Myrtle!


    • Barbara says:

      She is great… She hides away for ages, then suddenly she gets a mission & she’s off, racing past at at least 1mph! We have to watch our toes though, she does love to nibble bare feet 🙂


  2. Al says:

    I take it the picture of Myrtle is a visual metaphor for how slow spring is arriving this year?


    • Barbara says:

      I wasn’t really going for deep… it was simply warm enough for her to be out, at last! She was racing around the garden, it was quite hard to photograph her!! When I managed I thought it might make a good header picture! 🙂


  3. Al says:

    It is a great header picture. What age is the old gal now?


  4. Jo Bryant says:

    i love that you have a turtle…is she friendly ?


    • Barbara says:

      Well, yes… as friendly as walking rocks get! She loves being tickled under her chin. Apparently they know their names, though I nave never seen her respond to hers. She responds to the hoover…. and toes. If you are sitting around in bare feet you have to be careful, she loves biting toes & her bite hurts!!


  5. Maxi says:

    Your garden is totally beautiful, Barbara. Warms the heart no matter the temperature.

    We have a smaller version of Myrtle. My granddaughter named him Runner ’cause he is so fast. He made his home right in the middle of the front yard.

    blessings ~ maxi


    • Barbara says:

      Yes, I’m very lucky. Peter is a gardener, so he often brings home plants for me & says ‘put it somewhere’ Our garden has evolved over quite a few years. Still lots of work to do 🙂

      I often feel Myrtle was misnamed, she should have been called speedy. Their speed is all a part of their deception. They stay in the one place for so long that you give up on them ever moving…. then suddenly they are somewhere else completely!


  6. Grannymar says:

    The Copper Hazel Catkins look like a ruffle scarf, do you think I could wear it?


  7. Jody says:

    Beautiful! Spring has sprung. Happy spring to you!


  8. Leanne Cole says:

    But it is getting cold here, doesn’t seem fair, haha, oh well, at least it doesn’t get really cold here like it does where you are. Enjoy your spring weather.


    • Barbara says:

      This winter was particularly horrible, especially after Christmas…. it just went on and on and on. The beginning of April was SO depressing! We were going out wrapped up in hats scarves and gloves all the time. FINALLY it is warm enough just for a coat or jacket or warm jumper! Finally 🙂 Hope your winter is nothing like ours was!!


  9. Barbara says:

    Nice flowers….. my daffodils have just bloomed so we have a ways to go. Nice seeing your garden.


  10. Beautiful flowers! SUPERB love flowers LUCK!


  11. peasinapod says:

    Your garden looks gorgeous! I just wanted to ask something about Myrtle, I saw in an earlier post about her taht at the age of 5 and a half she already weighed more than 2 kg, which is several times as much as she should weigh at that age. What exactly are you feeding her?
    I am happy to hear that you have started to hibernate her properly. 🙂
    What I actually wanted to say is, that you shoul take her to a vet and have him check her liver and kidney values as they can suffer from having grown too fast.

    I wish you good luck and many more years to come with your lovely Myrtle.


    • Barbara says:

      Hi, she is a Greek spur thighed tortoise, I thought she was ok for her age, but will have her checked out to be sure! I practically had to strap her up to get her to stay in her cool place but once she cooled to 5′ she stayed put for over a month.
      In the past she hasn’t hibernated fully but she has stopped eating for a month or two, so relieved this one went ok!


      • peasinapod says:

        They do have very strong personalities and if something doesn’t go their way…. 😀
        Just be sure that you take her to a vet who specialises in tortoises or reptiles,as an uninformed vet may seriously harm your Myrtle in his ignorance. Have a nice day Barbara!


        • Barbara says:

          She does indeed! She always goes through things rather than around them!!
          We are lucky in London, we have a good few reptile specialists not too far away. I’m just dreading the cost if she needs an x-ray!
          Oh well… Ill cross that bridge when I come to it!
          Thanks or your advice & I’ll reply here with an update when we’ve seen the vet xxx


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