Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned

In New Zealand we visited Christchurch.  The city has recently suffered a series of devastating earthquakes from September 4th 2010 to September 3rd 2012.  We had heard about them on the news with interest as Peter’s son and his girlfriend lived there in 2010, however we had no idea of the extent the damage to the city.

Over 1000 buildings have been demolished in the Central Business District since the earthquakes

Christchurch Cathedral

Over 1000 buildings have been demolished in the Central Business District since the earthquakes.  A small number of buildings are still awaiting demolition, undergoing demolition or awaiting decisions regarding their future.  The Christchurch Cathedral was damaged by a few of the earthquakes and decisions have to be made whether it is possible to repair the Cathedral or not, especially since the region is still earthquake prone.

A building awaiting demolition

A building awaiting demolition

Decorated  Fencing

Decorated Fencing

Earthquake damaged building

Earthquake damaged abandoned building

From the distance the building didn't look damaged, but a close-up of the steps illustrated otherwise

From the distance the building didn’t look damaged, but a close-up of the steps illustrated otherwise

This week’s photo challenge ‘Abandoned‘ is my reason for skipping from Melbourne to Christchurch.  Back to Australia tomorrow….

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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20 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandonment | A Mixed Bag

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned | Elämän katupeili

  3. Pingback: On abandoning sacred places | Zimmerbitch: age is just a (biggish) number

  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned (Statues) | What's (in) the picture?

  5. Grannymar says:

    1000 buildings, I wonder how many homes were victims? Great photos and I particularly love the fencing.


    • Barbara says:

      About 10,000 homes had to be demolished, and due to liquefaction much of the land can never be built on again. Many other homes were damaged but not seriously enough to be demolished, however they are now in neighbourhoods that have been decimated by the earthquakes, and the houses are now valueless so the residents can’t move..185 people were killed


      • Grannymar says:

        We heard so much about the cathedral, but not so much about the homes and lives of the ordinary people. It is really heart wrenching.


        • Barbara says:

          I know, we were really shocked when we got there and found the extent of the damage. We got a lift the last 60 miles to Christchurch from some people who lived nearby, and 3 years later they were still visibly upset by what had happened. Took a detour to show us a road that has moved about a meter off its course by the earthquake, and told us loads of sad stories of things that had happened to their friends and family.


  6. Pingback: Cretan bush fire photo – DPchallenge | ALIEN AURA'S BlOG: IT'LL BLOW YOUR MIND!

  7. Cris says:

    This is one of my favorite subjects and you did a nice job of capturing it, albeit a sad story, for sure. It seems like there’s been an inordinate number of huge earthquakes over the past couple of years, causing a great deal of damage, to say nothing of the results of the earthquake near Fukushima, which is still pouring out radiation, both in the air and in the ocean.

    As for me, for this theme I would normally go after old abandoned farm houses and barns, but this time I decided to do something a little bit different. You’re welcome to come and see my take on the matter. 🙂

    Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned


    • Barbara says:

      Great photos, I particularly like the one of the cars.
      There have been hundreds of earthquakes in Christchurch since the first one in September 2010 and there is a high probability of further quakes. In addition the massive Alpine Fault which runs for about 600km up the spine of the South Island is one of the world’s major geological features. It’s the “on-land” boundary of the Pacific and Australian Plates.This fault has ruptured four times in the past 900 years, each time producing an earthquake of about magnitude 8, and it is predicted to rupture again in the next 50 years. the effect on New Zealand will be devastating if this happens


      • Cris says:

        I would imagine the effect of such a quake would have far-reaching effects as well. California-earthquake predictors have been saying for quite some time that the Andreas fault, which runs pretty much the length of the entire state, is due any time. At many places, you can see the huge gap that is the fault line. No one is looking forward to that, as millions would be affected.


  8. Tina Schell says:

    We visited Christchurch before the earthquakes and were so saddened when we read about the devastation. The question now is, what happens next. Such a beautiful and idyllic spot.


  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Abandoned | Joe's Musings

  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Humbly Abandoned | Humbled Pie

  11. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: More Abandoned | Humbled Pie

  12. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned | Through the Eye of Bastet

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