Travel Theme; Circles Beautiful natural circles

It’s hard to believe, but rainbows are actually full circles, just most of the time we are not high enough to see them!

Here are some photos of beautiful double-rainbows that I took on my road in April after some really heavy rain!

Double Rainbow

Double Rainbow

Double Rainbow

Double Rainbow

Double Rainbow

Double Rainbow

To find out more about this weeks Travel Theme, hop over to ‘Where’s My Backpack?

This week’s Travel Theme is Circles

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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16 Responses to Travel Theme; Circles Beautiful natural circles

  1. Leanne Cole says:

    What a great response to theme, they are great rainbows.


    • Barbara says:

      I love photographing them, but it’s hard to get good photos unless the sky behind is very dark, and capturing double ones on ‘film’ is even harder! I love the contrast in sky colour above and below the rainbow 🙂


  2. I never knew that about rainbows, I thought they were arcs. Had no idea they were circles! Beautiful photos, Barbara!


  3. kz says:

    what a beautiful rainbow! made me smile ..:)


  4. Grannymar says:

    One day travelling home from Dublin, I saw a horizontal deep rainbow. It filled a gap in between the hills and looked almost like a wide backcloth or banner. I mentioned it to Elly on the phone and she was amazed, because she had seen the same ‘vision’ a couple of weeks earlier. I was on the motorway so unable to stop and take photos.


  5. Grannymar says:

    The colours were more vivid than in that link. I was beginning to doubt myself until Elly said she had seen one around the same area.


    • Barbara says:

      I was just trying to find a photo of a straight lined rainbow…. this one was much wider than normal ones too, but didn’t look as vivid as your one sounded. Next time stop the car! 🙂


  6. Grannymar says:

    In the middle of the motorway????? 😆 Since it was in a straight line, I wonder if it was the top or bottom of the circle? Sorry I cannot swear to the order of the colours.


  7. Pingback: Travel Theme; Circles – Royal Holloway University through a Crystal Ball « Day One

  8. Al says:

    Beautiful. In the time I spent in Hawaii, I learned that you can count on a rainbow almost every day. Something to look forward to.


    • Barbara says:

      Hawaii is somewhere on my ‘must visit’ list! I don’t like the term bucket list! I don’t want to go there before I die! I want to go there now! 🙂

      I was hoping studying astrophysics would help me be able to get a job in Hawaii, but I’m just not good enough at programming to become an astrophysicist, even though I loved studying it! It’s all about programming & I got in too late in my life to be able to learn to program well 😦


Your thoughts are very welcome :)