While Wilson’s away… Lilly-Plankton (the cat) will play!

It has been very difficult for me to photograph our cat Lilly-Plankton since we got Wilson.  To be honest, it has always been difficult to photograph her always because she looks more like a Lilly-Plankton shaped hole in the universe rather than herself as she is so black.

Now that Wilson has arrived, she won’t stay in the same space as him, and he thinks that’s a great game so he chases her when she runs…. so we only see her when he goes to bed!  This makes it even harder to capture her as she doesn’t look good in flash photographs, and animals don’t like flashes!

I brought my new camera to bed last night (as you do) and managed to get these photos, in very low light, so I am very impressed 🙂

Lilly Plankton

Lilly Plankton

Lilly Plankton the Sphinx

Lilly Plankton the Sphinx

Looking at the camera

Looking at the camera

Here are some older photos of Lilly since it’s her day to shine 🙂

Lilly watching cat television

Lilly watching cat television

When I was studying quantum mechanics, Lilly was helping me with Schroedingers 'Cat in a Box' theory

When I was studying quantum mechanics, Lilly was helping me with Schroedingers ‘Cat in a Box’ theory

Our first cat Tiggles playing with Lilly Plankton when she was a kitten

Our first cat Tiggles playing with Lilly Plankton when she was a kitten

Lilly deciding whether tortoises are edible

Lilly deciding whether tortoises are edible

About Barbara

Born in Dublin, living in London with Peter, my two daughters, Wilson our Spaniel & Woordow our Malshih (Shih Tzu-Maltese cross)
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19 Responses to While Wilson’s away… Lilly-Plankton (the cat) will play!

  1. Jo Bryant says:

    She is so cute. What a shame Wilson scars her away all the time. She really reminds me of Jackie. BTW – forgot to mention I am loving The Witch of Portobello


    • Barbara says:

      It’s such a great book! I must read it again, it really lifted me when I read it. Beautiful 🙂

      We keep trying to introduce Lilly to Wilson, but she runs & he thinks its a great game. Occasionally he corners her & she gets very sharp so he leaves her alone then, but most of the time she just hides from him. I miss having her on my lap in the evenings, but she sleeps on top of me all night 🙂


  2. Grannymar says:

    Ahh! You take after my sister with the cat on the bed!!!!! I am not a cat person even if I did write about one today.


    • Barbara says:

      Tiggles was my first ever pet. He used to sleep on our bed, so I’ve got used to it 🙂 Cats are very independent, they live alongside you rather than with you. They do their own thing most of the time, but then occasionally they come & sit on you which is a bit like them gracing you with their presence. If they had opposable thumbs they would rule the world!


  3. frizztext says:

    hi Barbara,
    I like “Lilly watching cat television” = aquarium / fish tank – greetings by

    Weekly Photo Challenge: Regret


  4. Look at that sweet little girl! She’s so adorable! I love the photo of her and the tortoise. One of my cats is mostly black and she has a habit of sleeping on my black clothes, so sometimes I don’t even realize she’s there until we startle each other!


  5. Lally says:

    Lilly Plankton is gorgeous! I love learning about all your furry friends – somehow the friend who introduced me to this blog FORGOT TO MENTION ALL THE CAST OF CHARACTERS (aside from Wilson). I shall have a chat about that with him. I must be informed of all fluffy and nonfluffy things I might encounter here before I die of squee.


    • Barbara says:

      I’m surprised he didn’t mention Lilly Plankton! He was good friends with her before she had to make a fast retreat into under-the-bed land when Wilson arrived. Donal used to have a cat called Tracey who was just like Lilly and lived to a grand old age of 300 years (in cat years)
      We also have Myrtle who is currently hibernating in the larder, and lots of fish 🙂


    • Barbara says:

      Did you notice my Platypus Collection? Designed for those who might die of squealing at any point?


  6. Lally says:

    Yes, a sterny talking to regarding the egregious oversight is in order 😉

    I was wondering if you ever did get your tortoise to hibernate, I might have missed that. I hope she is all cozy and happily snoozing.

    I might have also missed the platypus post. ! They are incredible animals, although I have to admit – I do prefer them fully fluffed out. I don’t really know anything about their behavior though – as in – are they as gentle as they look? I would hope they are, and not some unassuming bitey critter.


    • Barbara says:

      I gave up on the method given by the website, and just let her fall asleep and then put her in a box in some shredded paper & put her in the larder which is the coldest room in the house. Will wake her up when we come back form holidays! 🙂


  7. Leanne Cole says:

    My daughter saw me looking at the photos and her response was “that is a cute cat”, then she saw the name Tiggles, of course our cat is Tiddles, haha, very similar. Lilly is gorgeous.


    • Barbara says:

      Lol, Tiggles looked like a baby tiger when we got him, and the girls were very young, so he started off as tigger but became tiggles very quickly. He became a very very big cat, he was half wild, so his name didn’t really suit him, but it stuck 🙂


  8. Pingback: Travel Theme; Green | Day One

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